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Composition🎤Those who want to try it~②~❗️ What is a code?

A corner about the previous composition It's a continuation.😆

After memorizing basic keys and scales, let's learn how code works next!

Chords are chords!

The basic code shape is called triad. It's completed by stacking "Triad" that flew one sound.

It's called root, 3rd, and 5th from the lowest sound. The sound where the root is the main chord, It plays a role in the sound that determines whether the 3rd is major or minor.

The power cord used in locks and metal is omitting this 3rd!🎸

For example

C E G=C major

D F A=D mimor

The basic form of the code will be established in this way!

And the difference between these two majors and minors is determined by the distance between the route and the 3rd sound.

C〜E:Is for four semitones.

D〜F:Is for three semitones.

This difference divides majors and minors! 🚴‍♂ If you apply this law, the key

C E G=C major

D F A=D mimor

E G B=E mimor

F A C=F major

G B D=G major

A C E=A mimor

B D F=B dim ←(3rd to 5th are also semitones 3 special shapes.)

If it's very easy, if you combine these chords and apply the scale of the key, it will be a song for the time being!🤯

As the first step in making a song, let's be able to make chords in this form with any key after the scale!٩( 'ω' )و




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